aCurrency Pro (exchange rate) v5.42 With Crack Download

aCurrency Pro (exchange rate) v5.42 + Crack Version Full Download

The software aCurrency Pro (exchange rate) v5.42 is a currency converter and exchange rate tracking application for mobile devices. It allows users to easily convert between different currencies and stay updated with the latest exchange rates.

Some key features of aCurrency Pro include:

1. Real-time Exchange Rates: The app provides up-to-date exchange rates for over 160 currencies. Users can choose their base currency and view the rates for other currencies.

2. Currency Conversion: Users can convert values between different currencies using the app. It supports both manual input and a calculator-like interface for quick and accurate conversions.

3. Historical Exchange Rates: The application also stores historical exchange rates, allowing users to track currency rate changes over time. This feature is useful for businesses or individuals who need to analyze trends or compare rates from different dates.

4. Offline Mode: The app can be used without an internet connection as it provides access to the latest downloaded exchange rates. This is particularly helpful for travelers who might not have access to mobile data or when visiting areas with limited connectivity.

5. Multiple Display Options: aCurrency Pro offers multiple display options, including a widget that can be placed on the home screen for quick access. Users can also customize the display with different themes and layouts.

6. Backup and Synchronization: The app allows users to backup their settings and history and sync them across multiple devices. This ensures that users can access their data and preferences even if they switch devices or reinstall the app.

Overall, aCurrency Pro is a comprehensive currency converter and exchange rate tracking tool that caters to both casual users and those who require professional currency conversion capabilities.

Features of aCurrency Pro (exchange rate) v5.42

Some features of the software aCurrency Pro (exchange rate) v5.42 include:

1. Up-to-date exchange rates: The software provides real-time exchange rates for over 180 currencies, ensuring accurate and current data.

2. Multiple conversion options: Users can convert from one currency to another with ease. The software supports conversion between any two currencies and allows users to save their favorite currency pairs for quick access.

3. Historical exchange rates: Users can view historical exchange rates for a specific date range, enabling them to analyze trends and plan future transactions.

4. Customization options: The software allows users to personalize the user interface, such as choosing different themes, font sizes, and decimal precisions, to suit their preferences.

5. Offline mode: Users can access exchange rates offline by downloading the required currency rates in advance. This feature is particularly useful when traveling to areas with limited internet connectivity.

6. Currency chart: Users can view currency exchange rate charts to track changes over time. The charts provide insights into currency fluctuations and help in making informed decisions.

7. Widget support: The software offers home screen widgets, allowing users to see real-time exchange rates without opening the app.

8. Currency news and alerts: Users can receive currency news updates and set alerts for specific exchange rate thresholds, ensuring they stay informed about the latest market trends.

9. Currency converter calculator: The software includes a built-in calculator for easy and quick currency conversions. Users can enter the amount in one currency and get the corresponding value in another currency.

10. Reliable and user-friendly interface: aCurrency Pro focuses on providing a user-friendly experience with an intuitive interface and reliable data updates.

11. No ads: The pro version of the software is ad-free, ensuring a distraction-free experience while using the app.

12. Backup and sync: Users can back up their data and sync it across multiple devices, ensuring a seamless experience and easy access to personalized settings.

These are some of the key features of aCurrency Pro (exchange rate) v5.42.

System Requirements

    The system requirements for aCurrency Pro (exchange rate) v5.42 are as follows:

    1. Operating System: Android 4.1 and above.
    2. Processor: Minimum 1 GHz processor.
    3. Memory: At least 1 GB RAM.
    4. Storage: 10 MB of free space.
    5. Internet Connection: Required to fetch and update exchange rates.
    6. Permissions: Access to network, storage, and device location for accurate exchange rate information.

    Please note that these requirements may vary depending on the specific device and its capabilities.


    aCurrency Pro is a comprehensive currency converter app that offers real-time exchange rates and supports over 180 currencies. With its simple and intuitive interface, users can quickly convert any amount from one currency to another. The app also features a built-in calculator that allows users to calculate conversions with ease. Additionally, aCurrency Pro provides historical exchange rate charts, which enable users to better understand currency trends. The app offers various customization options, including the ability to set default currencies and update exchange rates automatically. Overall, aCurrency Pro is a reliable and efficient tool for anyone who needs accurate exchange rate information on the go.

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